Valerianella dactylophylla


Valerianella dactylophylla


El kuzugevreği
Height 30-40 cm, basal leaves ± withered in fruit. Leaves elliptic or linear-elliptic, 30-40 x 5-10 mm, teeth at base of upper leaves large, up to 22 x 2 mm. Inflorescence ± dense and hemispherical; some fruits present in lower axils. Bracts stiff, linear-lanceolate, evenly tapering to a sharp point, with a narrow membranous margin and thick central nerve, weakly ciliate, 2,5 x 0,2-0,3 mm, free. Fruit 5-6 mm overall, the calyx spreading to 3-4 mm, with 6 lanceolate, acuminate lobes, all with reticulate venation at the base, the ovary c. 1mm wide. FI. 5-6. Rocky slopes, 1200-2000 m.
W. & N. Iran, N. Iraq, Anti-Lebanon, W. Syria, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. region.
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