Valerianella discoidea
Valerianella discoidea
Ekin kuzugevreği
Height 5-20 cm, basal leaves often present in fruit. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, 2-3,5 x 0,5-1 cm. Inflorescence ± densely globose. Bracts lanceolate or narrowly ovate, membranous with a mid-nerve, ciliate and hairy, shorter than the mature fruit, generally inconspicuous, free. Flowers pale lilac. Fruit 4-5 mm overall, the calyx spreading to c. 4 mm, lobes with smaller subordinate lobes, apices hooked, the ovary c. 1·5 mm wide. FI. 3-5. Rocky slopes, open scrub, field edges, s.l-700 m.
N. Africa, S. Europe, W. Syria, Cyprus, W. Iran. Medit. element.