Valerianella muricata
Valerianella muricata
Tikeli gevrek
Height 6-30cm, lower leaves present or not in fruit, 12-35 x 3-8 mm. Inflorescence obpyramidal or ± capitate, the branches sometimes thickening and inflating in fruit, obscuring the bracts. Bracts 5-6 x 0,5-2 mm, ± herbaceous, smaIIer to ± inconspicuous and webbed in the centre of the cymes. Flowers pale bluish to lilac. Fruit 2-2,2 x 0,8-1,1 mm. Fl. 4-6. Rocky slopes, fallow land, s.I.-650 m.
S. Europe, S. & C. Russia, Iran, N. Iraq, Caucasia, Palestine, W. Pakistan, C. Asia.