Valerianella uncinata
Valerianella uncinata
Ender kuzugevreği
Height 13-35 cm. Leaves entire below, becoming very deeply toothed to pinnatifid to almost pinnate above, the pinnae occasionally dentate. Inflorescence ± dense and hemispherical. Lowermost bracts divided like the upper leaves, upper bracts linear or Iinear-lanceolate, entire, glabrous, 3-6 x 0,3-0,7 mm. Flowers white. Fruit c. 6 mm, the calyx spreading to 6 mm, with 6lanceolate, acuminate lobes of which only the 2 posterior have reticulate venation at the base, the ovary 1,5-2 mm wide. FI. 5-6. Rocky slopes, fields, 960-1200 m.
Crimea, Caucasia, N. & C. Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element.