Arenaria kotschyana

Arenaria kotschyana

 Ssp kotschyana: Niğde kumotu; Ssp stenophylla: Amasya kumotu

Mat-forming, glabrous or pubescent perennial, not or scarcely glandular. Flowering stems 4-20 cm. Leaves 5-25 mm, linear-lanceolate to linear, 8-12 x longer than broad, acute to acuminate, with a prominent mid-vein, a pair of marginal veins and very obscure laminar branches. Inflorescence 1-6-flowered. Sepals 3-5 mm, ovate, acute to acuminate, slightly carinate with 1 prominent mid-vein and obscure lateral veins, becoming slightly hardened at the base in fruit. Petals ovate-elliptic, slightly clawed, c. 1 ½  x longer than calyx. Capsule exceeding calyx.
1. Leaves 8-25 mm with prominent marginal veins more than 1/3  as wide as mid-vein; inflorescence 2-6-flowered ..............................subsp. kotschyana
1. Leaves 5-8 mm with indistinct marginal veins about 1/6  as wide as mid-vein; inflorescence 1-flowered .........................................subsp. stenophylla