Bolanthus minuartioides


Bolanthus minuartioides


Low perennial with many-branched woody rhizome and numerous prostrate, decumbent, 3-15 cm stems. Indumentum a mixture of mostly eglandular short and long hairs, often ± glabrescent, rareIy with more numerous glands. Leaves small, 3-7 mm, subulate, rigid, acute but not spiny, fasciculate, often ± falcate. Bracts Ieaf-like, adpressed to the calyx, enlarged and membranous at base, as lang as or longer than the flowers. Flowers 10-25 in dense dichasial subcapitate subsessile clusters. Calyx tubular, 4-5 mm, with 5 projecting ribs, teeth short , linear-Ianceolate, acute, often bearded. Petals white without purple veins, linear-Ianceolate, rounded or emarginate, 5-7 mm. Ovary 8-14-ovulate. Capsule oblong. Seeds smooth or finely tubercled. Fl. 5-7. Dry hills, limestone screes, mountain steppes, 900-1600 m.
Endemic. A very distinct species with the appearance of a small Acanthophyllum, but with the fruit characters of Bolanthus.
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