Cerastium cerastioides

Cerastium cerastioides

Yumak boynuzotu
Diffuse perennial, stems ascending to erect, ± glabrous, 5-15 cm. Leaves linear-lanceolate, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, glabrous. Cymes lax, few-flowered. Bracts herbaceous. Pedicels sparsely pilose, reflexed in fruit. Sepals lanceolate, ± acute, 4-6,5 mm, sparsely pilose, often tinged with purple, margins scarious. Petals white, 8-10 mm. Capsule teeth rolled circinately outwards. Fl. 6-8. Damp screes, slopes and fields, 1800-2800 m.
Circumarctic and on mountains of Europe, Asia & N.W. Africa. Occasional variant specimens are glandular.
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