Dianthus barbatus

Dianthus barbatus

Perennial, 60-70 cm. Flowering shoot leaves lanceolate, 6-12 x 1,2-4 cm. Flowers many together in a head, pedicels 0,5-2 mm. Bracts leaf-like, equalling or longer than the head. Bracteoles 4-6, equalling or longer than the calyx tube, ovate-oblong, pale margin membranous, ciliate, tips very long, green, aristate, toothed. Calyx 2. 3,7-4,1 mm, cylindrical; teeth 8-9 mm, lanceolate, acute to obtuse, long-aristate. Petal limb c. 10 mm, pink to dark red, barbulate, dentate. Fl. 6-7. Beech forest, 940 m.
N. & C. Europe, Balkans, France & Spain, Italy, E. Asia.
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