Dianthus burdurensis

Dianthus burdurensis

Burdur karanfili
Perennial, solitary or few-stemmed herbs. Stems erect, slender at base, 25‒45 cm tall, simple or rarely branching from upper nodes, 6‒9-noded, glabrous above and usually puberulous below, greenish or sometimes purplish at base. Leaves linear, flattened in cross-section, glabrous, margins scabrous, with ciliate and scarious near base, apex 3-acuminate; sterile shoot leaves absent or very rarely present at flowering, if present, linear and loosely arranged; lower withered after anthesis, 20‒35 × 1‒2 mm; middle 30‒50 × 1‒2 mm, adpressed to stem, shorter than or as long as internodes, thin, 3-veined, sheaths 2‒2.5 times as long as wide; upper adpressed to stem, greenish at base, nodes ± swollen. Inflorescence usually simple or rarely branched, flowers in clusters, each one 5‒9-flowered; pedicels 0‒1.5 mm, glabrous, greenish. Bracts greenish to straw-colored, linear-subulate to lanceolate, as long as or shorter than flowers. Epicalyx scales 4‒6, herbaceous, greenish or straw-colored; outer usually distinctly 5‒7-veined, glabrous, 2/5‒3/5 as long as calyx, linear-lanceolate, 6.0‒8.5 × 1.5‒2.0 mm, with scarious margins, apex acute-obtuse except arista, arista 1/3‒1/2 as long as scale, separated from calyx; inner usually distinctly 7‒9-veined, glabrous, 1/2‒2/3 as long as calyx, linear-oblanceolate, 7.0‒11.0 × 1.8‒2.5 mm, with ciliate and scarious  margins, apex acute-obtuse except arista, arista 1/3‒2/5 as long as scale. Calyx oblong- lanceolate, 9.5‒16.0 × 2.2‒ 3.2 mm, distinctly 40‒45-veined, glabrous, greenish or straw-colored; teeth triangular-lanceolate, 2.5‒4.0 × 1.5‒2.0 mm, glabrous, 7‒9-veined, with ciliate and scarious margins, apex acuminate and mucronate, greenish or sometimes purplish tinged towards apex. Petals 11.5‒15.5 mm long; limb obovate to cuneate, 3.5‒5.5 × 2.5‒3.5 mm, about 1/3 as long as petal, about 2/3 exserted from calyx, unspotted, barbulate, creamish-white above, greenish beneath, completely greenish-yellow in dried, 4‒7-toothed, teeth irregular, broadly triangular, up to 1/6 as long as limb; claw 8.0‒10.0 × 1.0‒1.2 mm, collar as wide as claw. Capsule shorter than calyx. Seeds ovate, 2.0‒2.8 × 1.2‒1.7 mm, blackish.
Phenology:―Flowering time July‒August, fruiting August‒September.
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