Eremogone pseudoacantholimon
Eremogone pseudoacantholimon
Kirpi kumotu
Spiny, tufted to cushion-forming, glabrous, sometimes glaucous perennial, 15-30 cm. Rosette leaves 1-2 cm, stiff, linear-subulate, aristate; stem leaves few , 8-15 mm. Inflorescence of c. five 1-5-flowered cymules, often appearing as 2-3 remote clusters, but sometimes ± paniculate with the lateral peduncles and the pedicels of the first flower very long ; the remaining pedicels shorter than the bracts and the flowers clustered. Sepals 3,5-5 mm, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse to acute, membranous to scarious margined, but herbaeeous to the apex. Petals oblong-obovate, truncate, c. as long as sepals. Staminal glands 5, prominent, oblong, emarginate. Capsule included by calyx. Seeds minutely tuberculate on the dorsal ridge. Fl. 6-8. Stony slopes and scree, 1525-2900 m.