Gypsophila guvengorkii

Gypsophila guvengorkii

Caespitose perennial, glabrous, with a caudex at the base. Stem numerous, erect-ascending, slender, 3–11 cm high. Basal leaves linear , flat or triquetrous, ± acute, green, finely scabrid at margins. Inflorescence in depauperate dichasium, 2–7-flowered. Bracts lanceolate-ovate , leaf-like in shape, scarious at margins. Pedicels 1–6 mm long. Flowers sterile with three styles or fertile with two styles. Calyx campanulate , with teeths ovate , obtuse-mucronulate, broadly scarious at margins. Petals pink, oblanceolate , obtuse-retuse. Capsule subglobose-ovoid , shorte than the calyx. Seeds brownish-black, orbicular-reniform , with acute tubercles on dorsal side. Ovules 8.

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