Gypsophila pilosa
Gypsophila pilosa
Tarla çöveni
Annual with stout erect stems, 10-80 cm, usually glabrous at the base and in the inflorescence, villous or hispid in the middle, branched above. Leaves 30-100 x 10-25 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, 3-5-veined, with long glandular hairs or sametimes glabrous. Bracts linear-Ianceolate, hairy, foliaceous. Pedicels filiform, becoming deflexed, glabrous, 1-4 cm. Calyx campanulate-tubular, 4-7 mm, glandular-hispid, teeth short, triangular, obtuse to acute. Petals 8-12 mm, white to pale pink, Iinear-oblong, emarginate to shallowly bilabed. Seeds with obtuse tubercIes. Fl. 5-7. Cultivated fields, roadsides, steppe, 300-1200 m.
S.W. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element. A frequent casual in Europe, naturalised in Majorca.