Minuartia meyeri

Minuartia meyeri

Koza tıstısı

Erect or ascending, glandular-pubescent annual 5-15 cm. Stems often numerous, simple or branched, often purplish. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, flat, 5-7-veined, the margins glabrous to finely pubescent. Inflorescence usually of numerous loose, overlapping, dichasial clusters; bracts leaf-like, shorter or as long as the clusters; pedicels of the first flower usually longer than the sepals, remainder much shorter, but flowers never sessile or subsessile; flowers erect. Calyx rounded at base; outer sepals 5,5-9 mm, linear-Ianceolate, acuminate; inner sepals 4,5-8 mm; sepals veins without prominent calcium oxalate crystals. Petals 1-2 mm, lanceolate elliptic, less than ½ as long as outer sepals. Seeds 4-12, obscurely tuberculate; the tubercles with an elongate central marking, sometimes becoming papillose on the dorsal ridge. FI. 4-6. Dry sandy places, 100-3100 m.

W.Syria, Sinai, Syrian Desert, Transcaucasia eastwards to Afghanistan & W. Pakistan. Ir.-Tur. element.

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