Sabulina asiyeae

Sabulina asiyeae

Hanım tıstısı

Syn: Minuartia asiyeae

Dense cushion-forming perennial, 2-8 cm, densely glandular-pubescent. Stems ascending to erect with persistent dead leaves below. Leaves lanceolate to triangular, 4-7 x 1-2 mm, flat, 3-veined. Inflorescence 20-30 -flowered, cymose. Pedicels 1-3 mm, usually shorter than sepals. Sepals lanceolate, 3-4 mm, 3-veined, with narrow membranous margins. Petals white, oblong to oblanceolate, equalling or slightly longer than sepals, c. 4 mm, cuneate, obtuse-rounded at apex; claw 3-veined. Stamens 10; filaments c. 1 mm; anthers subglobose, c. 0.3 mm. Capsule cylindrical, c. 1 mm, equalling or shorter than calyx, 2-4-seeded. Seeds orbicular to comma-shaped, c. 1 mm, dark brown, retieulate to tuberculate. Fl & fr. 7-10. Pinus nigra and Cedrus libani forest, limestone rocks, 1200-1450 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

Alanya- Antalya
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