Sabulina mesogitana

Sabulina mesogitana

 Çelebi tıstıs

Syn: Minuartia mesogitana

Decumbent to ascending or ± erect annual, up to 20 cm, branching from the base, glabrous below. Leaves linear-subulate to subulate-setaceous, 3-veined, never fleshy. Inflorescence sparsely glandular-pubescent, of several lax, many-flowered dichasia; bracts triangular to subulate, prominently 3-veined; pedicels 8-20 mm, more than 3 x longer than sepals, often spreading widely. Sepals 1,5-4 mm, usually ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, rarely lanceolate, acuminate, 2-3 x longer than broad. Petals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, usually abruptly contracted at base into a very short claw, 0,9-1,3 x longer than sepals. Capsule subglobose to subcylindrical, almost as long to much longer than calyx. Seeds 0,25-0,7 mm.
1. Petals cuneate at base, longer than sepals; seeds 0,6-0,7 mm, shortly echinate; capsule 1,25- 1,5 x longer than calyx; sepals 2-2,5 mm subsp. flaccida
1. Petals abruptly contracted at base; seeds ± smooth to obscurely tuberculate; capsule as long as or a little longer than calyx, rarely c. 1,5 x longer and then seeds 0,25-0,4 mm
     2. Sepals 1,5-2 mm; petals longer than sepals
      3. Capsule subglobose, not exceeding calyx; petals slightly longer than sepals; seeds 0,45-0,55 mm subsp. brachycarpa 
      3. Capsule ± cylindrical, c. 1,5 x longer than calyx; petals more than 1,5 x longer than sepals; seeds 0,25-4 mm subsp. macrocarpa 
     2. Sepals 2-4 mm; petals shorter than to longer than sepals
       4. Sepals more than 3 mm, occasionally less in uppermost flowers or in late flowering plants; seeds 0,5-0,65 mm; plant usually decumbent and branching from the base  .....subsp. mesogitana 
       4. Sepals less than 3 mm; seeds usually less than 0,5 mm; plant usually erect and not branching from base
           5. Sepals long-acuminate; bracts finely setaceous above the broad base...................subsp. lydia 
           5. Sepals acute or very abruptly acuminate; bracts shortly subulate to triangular...................subsp. kotschyana 
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