Silene discolor
Silene discolor
Kıyı nakılı
Syn: S.pompeipolitana
Annual. Stems erect or ascending, often diffusely branched at the base, with a dimorphic indumentum of long multicellular bristles and shorter unicellular hairs, 5-30 cm. Basal leaves oblong-elliptic, acute, without sterile shoots. Inflorescence a strict monochasium, the pedicels of the lowermost flowers shorter than to as long as the calyces. Calyx pilose, 11-13 mm. Petals pink. Anthophore 3-4 mm. Capsule ovoid, included in the calyx. Seed with an obtusely grooved, tuberculate back. Fl. 5. Sandy places near the sea.
Greece, Aegean, Cyprus.