Silene gigantea

Silene gigantea

Koca nakıl
Perennial, monocarpic or biennial, 60-100 cm, with short, soft indumentum below, viscid above. Basal leaves spathulate, obovate or oblanceolate, petiolate. Cauline leaves smaller. Inflorescence paniculate, the lateral branches terminating in congested cymules. Calyx ± tubular, 6-7 mm in flower, rupturing in fruit. Petals pale yellowish to greenish, deeply bifid. Anthophore 2-4.5 mm. Capsule bursting out of the ealyx. Divisible into 2 varieties:
1. Lateral cymules congested; calyx glandular-viscid ....................var. gigantea
1. Lateral cymules laxer; calyx with very sparse glandular hairs or ± glabrous ...........var.incana