Silene latifolia

Silene latifolia

Ssp alba: Gıcıgıcı; Ssp eriocalycina: Gıcıme 
Syn: Silene alba
Dioecious annual, biennial or perennial. Stems erect, 30-85 cm, retrorsely pubescent, slightly glandular and viscid above. Leaves oblanceolate, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile, all with indumentum like that on the stem. Inflorescence a lax, compound dichasium. Flowers unisexual. Calyx of male flowers 9-16 mm, that of female flowers 18-23 mm, enlarging in fruit, 20-nerved, hairy. Petals white, limb deeply bipartite. Styles 5. Anthophore 2-2·5 mm. Capsule ovoid, included within the calyx, opening by 10 teeth. Three subspecies are distinguished on the basis of variation in the female flower; two of them occur in Turkey:
1. Calyx with glandular hairs; capsule teeth spreading or recurved..................subsp. alba
1.Calyx hairs eglandular; capsule teeth erect ...............................................subsp. eriocalycina
Distribution of the species: Europe, N.W. Africa, S.W. Asia.
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