Silene vulgaris

 Silene vulgaris


Perennial, often woody below. Stems branched, glabrous or hairy, up to 80 cm. Leaves very variable in shape, ovate to lanceolate to obovate. Inflorescence a compound dichasium. Calyx 13-21 mm, inflated, greenish, with 15-20 anastomosing veins. Petals usually white, rarely red, deeply bipartite. Anthophore 2-4 mm. Capsule 6-13 mm, ovoid-globose, included in the calyx. A very variable species in which 3 intergrading varieties can be recognised in Turkey:
1. Capsule c. 12 mm; plants with stolons .................................................var. macrocarpa
1. Capsule less than 12 mm; plants without stolons
   2. Leaves ovate-cordate .................................................................var. commutata
   2. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or obovate, not cordate ....var. vulgaris
Distribution of the species: Europe, N.W. Africa, Temperate Asia. 
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