Spergularia lycia


Spergularia lycia


Has remilotu
Dwarf annual. 1,5-5 cm, partly glandular-pubescent. Stems 1-6, slender, spreading or spreading-erect, penultimate internode below inflorescence larger than others. Leaves slender, exceeding internodes, semi-cylindrical, 4-12 mm, apex obtuse. Stipules triangular-lanceolate, 1,5-2,2 mm, lower ones scarcely connate, those in inflorescence connate into a 4-dentate sheath. Inflorescence arranged above in cincinni. Bract mucronate at apex, overtopping branchlets. Peduncles reflexed after anthesis. Flowers minute, . Sepals ovate, hooded, 1,8-2,4 mm. Petals ovate, 1-1,8 mm and clearly shorter than sepals, either entirely white or pinkish-tinged toward apex. Stamens 3-4 . Ovary globose. Styles 3, connate below. Capsule subglobose, 2,8-3,2 mm, conspicuously overtopping calyx. Seeds all unwinged, 0,50-0,58 x 0,35-0,48 mm, ovate-pyriform, testa dull brown, regularly foveolate, sometimes dorsally sparsely tuberculate. Fl. Summer. Damp mown lawns and by dried up ponds near houses, 2000-2500m.
Endemic. E. Medit.Element