Fumana procumbens
Fumana procumbens
Yer güneşotu
Dwarf, procumbent shrub. Stems puberulent. Leaves exstipulate, alternate, linear, below the lowest flower 10-16 per inch, scarcely diminishing above and upcurved at ends of branches. Flowers distant, solitary, 15-20 mm across, pedicels scarcely longer than the subtending leaves and, in fruit, becoming recurved from the base. Capsules 8-12-seeded, 5-6 mm long, usually remaining closed with seeds retained, finally shed with pedicel and calyx attached. Fl. 5-8. Rocky limestone slopes and steppe, 600-1700 m.
Centred in the Mediterranean area, but extending north to S. Sweden, Crimea & Caucasia, and E to Khorassan.