Convolvulus coelosyriacus

Convolvulus coelesyriacus


Annual, 15-40 cm, glabrescent or adpressed-puberulent; stems decumbent or ascending. Lower leaves petiolate, cordate-reniform, 20-25 x 20-25 mm, undivided, obtuse, somewhat repand; middle and upper leaves dentate-lobed or divided into oblong to linear lobes, uppermost often linear-hastate. Flowers solitary on axillary peduncles shorter than subtending leaves. Bracteoles filiform, c. 3 mm. Pedicels 2 x as long as calyx, in fruit recurved and often longer than peduncle. Sepals rounded-obovate, cuspidate, unequal. Corolla pink, with hairy bands outside, 12-15mm. c. 2.5-3 x calyx. Ovary glabrous. Fl. 4. Open rocky slopes,phrygana. c.100  m.
Lebanon, Palestine. Cyprus. E. Medit. clement.
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