Cuscuta epithymum


Cuscuta epithymum


Stems thin to medium, whitish to red. Inflorescences 5-10 mm diam., usually many-flowered, dense. Flowers 2,5-4 mm, sessile or subsessile, mostly white, occasionally pink or purplish, smooth or infrequently papillose, 5-merous. Calyx shorter than to ± equalling corolla tube, lobes ± as long as tube, triangular to ovate, acute, sometimes acuminate, attenuate or subacute, generally membranous or somewhat fleshy along back. Corolla lobes shorter than cylindrical protruding tube, triangular or ovate, acute, shortly attenuate, apiculate or subacute, membranous but sometimes slightly thickened towards apex, patent. Stamens distinctly exceeding tube, almost as long as corolla lobes; anthers a little shorter than filaments. Scales reaching stamens or almost so, obovate or oblongspathulate, simple, rounded, fimbriate around upper part. Styles almost as long as or shorter than filiform stigmas, together as long as or usually longer than ovary. Capsule c. 2 mm, subglobose. Seeds c. 1 mm, generally 4 per capsule, ovoid to irregularly suborbicular, scabrous. Fl. 6-8. On a variety of annual herbs, hemicryptophytes and shrubs in open low formations, sometimes infields on leguminous crops, nr s.l.-2100 m.
1. Flowers smooth; calyx and corolla lobes ovate-triangular var. epithymum
1. Flowers, particularly calyx,papillose or distinctly pustulate; calyx and corolla lobes ovate-lanceolate var. scabrella
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