Cuscuta palaestina


Cuscuta palaestina


Arap cinsaçı
Stems thin-filiform, relatively short, ±red. Inflorescences 3-7 mm diam., usually many and clustered, few- to many-flowered, capitate, dense. Flowers 1,5-2,5 mm, sessile to subsessile, whitish or pale pink to red, ± fleshy, papillose or smooth, mostly 4-merous but often with 5- or sometimes 3-merous flowers. Calyx almost equalling to .exceeding corolla tube, lobes ± as long as tube, ovatetriangular, thickened or fleshy towards acute to subacute apex. Corolla lobes slightly shorter than cylindrical tube, ovate-triangular, acute or nearly so, ± fleshy above, sometimes cucullate, erect to patent in flower, often converging in fruit and tube somewhat constricted above, thus enclosing capsule. Anthers scarcely exceeding corolla tube, slightly longer than filaments. Scales almost reaching filaments, usually simple, broadly or narrowly oblong, obtuse to truncate, shortly fimbriate above. Styles short, stigmas equalling or longer than styles, together a little shorter than to almost equalling ovary. Capsule 1,5-2 mm, subglobose, scarcely depressed. Seeds 0,6-1 mm, 3-4 per capsule, ovoid. On dwarf shrubs and sometimes annuals of low-shrub formations, also a/roadsides and in fields, s.l.-2700 m.
1. Flowers generally smooth, sometimes granular; calyx lobes somewhat carinate; corolla lobes often cucullate, some erect in fruit; anthers ovoid or oblong-sagittate, often with an apiculate connective; style + stigma ± as long as ovary; inflorescence 2-5 mm diam., few--flowered; spring-flowering subsp. palaestina
1. Flowers generally papillose; calyx lobes fleshy towards apex; corolla lobes not cucullate, usually patent in fruit; anthers ovoid-globose; style + stigma a little shorter than ovary; inflorescence larger on average , few- to many--flowered; summer-flowering subsp. balansae
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