Sedum dasyphyllum


Sedum dasyphyllum


Tüylü damkoruğu
Small ascending glandular-pubescent, tufted perennial, 2-5 cm. Leaves ovoid to obovoid-terete, 4-5 mm, glaucous, glandular-pubescent, opposite and densely imbricate on the sterile shoots, opposite or alternate and more laxly arranged on the flowering stems. Inflorescence corymbose, lax, 4-8-flowered. Flowers 5merous, pedicellate, white with yellowish base, pinkish on back; sepals 1-2 mm, fleshy, blunt; petals c. 3 mm; stamens 10-12; follicles glabrous, erect. Fl. 7-8. Cliffs, 1600-2000 m.
S. & C. Europe, N. Africa. In Turkey at its easternmost limit.
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