Umbilicus intermedius


Umbilicus intermedius


Syn. U.horizontalis var intermedius
Erect glabrous perennial; stems simple, 10-50 cm. Basal leaves orbicular-peltate, 2-5 cm diam., crenate; upper leaves linear, dentate. Inflorescence racemose, simple or branched at the base. Flowers spreading horizontally or drooping; pedicels 0,5-2 mm; sepals 1-1,5 mm; corolla greenish-white sometimes tipped with red, 5-7 mm, tubular or urceolate; lobes broadly lanceolate to ovate-acute, c. ¼  the length of tube. FI. 4-5. Grassy banks, limestone rock crevices, tree trunks, 50-900 m.
1. Flowers usually horizontally spreading; corolla usually tubular, lobes lanceolate var. horizontalis
1. Flowers drooping; corolla usually urceolate, lobes ovate var. intermedius
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