Bryonia cretica
Bryonia cretica
Stems glabrous or coarsely spiculate, rarely glaucous. Leaves ovate-cordate or broadly so, 3-9 x 3,5-9 cm, shallowly to deeply 5-7-lobed, the lobes lanceolate or ovate, rather obtusely or sometimes sharply sinuate-toothed or lobulate. Petiole glabrous or sparsely spiculate, sometimes glaucous, often short, 0,5-5 cm. Male racemes 4,5-13,5 cm, glabrous or almost so except for a few glands on the pedicels; sepals triangular-dentiform, 1-2 mm, petals 3-6 x 2,2-4 mm. Female inflorescences few- to many-flowered, lax or congested; sepals 1,8-2,8 mm; petals 2,5-4 x 1,3-2,3 mm. Stigmas coarsely hairy. Fruits red, 8-9 mm. FI. 5. In bushes and hedges, s.I.-550 m.
E. Mediterranean area. E. Medit. element.