Bolboschoenus maritimus


Bolboschoenus maritimus


Ssp maritimus: Sandalyesazı
Perennial, usually with tubers at ends of stolons. Stems erect, 60-100 cm, triquetrous, smooth to scabridulous below inflorescence, 4-6-noded. Leaf sheaths triquetrous, with straight orifice, upper sheaths pale brown to green, tightly embracing stem, lower sheaths pale to rusty brown. Leaf blades equal to or slightly longer than stems, 10-48 cm x 1.2-6 mm, keeled, margins and midrib smooth or scabrid. Inflorescence rays 0.9-5 cm. Bracts 2-several, subtending each spikelet except terminal one, lower 5-17 cm, leaflike to setaceous, sometimes appearing as prolongation of stem. Spikelets ovoid, 0.2-0.6 cm broad, sessile, spirally arranged, congested into a single head or in clusters of 2-6 with additional, lower, long-rayed spikelet. Glumes oblong-ovate, 5.5-8 x 1.5-4.3 mm, notched, mid-vein excurrent into scabrid 1-3 mm awn. Perianth bristles 1-6, filiform, 1.24 mm , brown, caducous, rarely persistent. Anthers linear, 2-4.5 mm, including connectives. Style 2-5.5 mm, smooth; stigmas 3, rarely 2. Nut broadly obovoid, trigonous to ± lenticular, 0.9-3.3 x 0.5-2.3 mm, brown.
1. Spikelets 2-4.8 cm, pale to reddish-brown var. maritimus
1. Spikelets 0.8-1.5 cm at maturity, always dark chestnut brown var. cymosus
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