Carex acutiformis


Carex acutiformis


Laxly tufted; rhizomes long, stout. Stems 40-110 cm; basal sheaths purplish to reddish-brown, inner paler, persistent, reticulate-fibrillose at margins, concave at apex. Leaves 6-10 mm broad, equalling or exceeding stems, flatly plicate, glaucous-green, margins scabrid. Male spikes 1-4, approximate; glumes lanceolate, dark chestnut, subacute. Female spikes 3-4, remote, 2-5 cm, cylindrical, dense, lower shortly pedunculate, suberect; lowest bract leaf-like, exceeding inflorescences, sheath usually absent. Female glumes lanceolate, acuminate, dark chestnut, slightly shorter or longer than utricles. Utricles greyish-green to dark olive-brown and sometimes purple-spotted above, ovate-elliptic, 3.5-5 mm, ± plano-convex, ascending, dull, minutely papillose, distinctly veined; apex abruptly contracted into short, pale yellowish, smooth, emarginate to shortly bifid beak to 0.4 mm. Stigmas 3. Water meadows, by streams and lakes, ditches etc., s.l.-2390 m.
N. Iraq, N.W. & N. Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan, Kashmir, Siberia, Altai, Turkestan, Transcaspia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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