Carex caryophyllea


Carex caryophyllea


Similar to C. umbrosa but laxly caespitose; rhizomes rather short, creeping, with dark brown, ± shiny scales; stems 5-35 cm, slightly scabrid above; leaves 1.6-3.9 mm broad, shorter than stems; male spike narrowly clavate, rather dark brown, with peduncle to 1 cm; female spikes loosely aggregated, lowest sometimes slightly distant and usually pedunculate to 1 cm; lowest bract setaceous or leaf-like, c. as long as its spike, with sheath 4-6 mm; female glumes equalling utricles, acute or acuminate, reddish-brown; utricles greenish-brown, gradually narrowed into short, often obscure, conical, puberulent, emarginate beak c. 0.3 mm. Dry to rather damp meadows, grassland, open forests, peaty grassy banks, 500-3000 m.
Most of Europe , Balkans
  • 690
  • 1
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