Carex echinata


Carex echinata


Ssp echinata: Küt ayakotu
Rhizomes very short. Stems 10-45 cm, bluntly trigonous to subterete, often striate, smooth or scabrid at least above, slender, often curved; basal sheaths whitish, becoming pale brown. Leaves 1-2.5 mm broad, shorter than stems, keeled or flat, rather stiff, mid- to dark green, somewhat shining. Inflorescence to 3.5 cm; spikes 2-5, all distant, sessile, 3-6 mm, subglobose, star-like; bracts glumaceous or occasionally very shortly setaceous. Female glumes broadly ovate, clasping base of utricle, shorter than utricles, acute, pale redbrown with broad scarious margin and green mid-vein. Utricles greenish-brown to yellowish-brown, ovoid or narrowly ovoid, 3-4 mm, with slender veins, smooth; beak flattened, to 1.5 mm, with scabrid margins. Water meadows, marshy slopes, by streams and peat bogs, nr s.l.-2600 m.
Almost throughout Europe ; C. & S. Russia, Caucasia , N. Iran, W.Syria, N.W.Africa, N. America, Japan; introduced in Australia. Euro-Sib./Boreo-American element.
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