Carex medwedewii

Carex medwedewii

Ova sazotu

Syn: C.kukkonenii

Stems 15-47 cm, slender, almost smooth, leafy only in lowest part; basal sheaths pale greyish-brown, occasionally purplish-brown, becoming fibrous. Leaves 1.5-3.5 mm broad, c. 1/2 x stems or often shorter, ± flat, rather stiff, mid-green, gradually narrowing into long, ± scabrid tip. Spikes 1-4, terminal gynecandrous or rarely entirely male, all usually densely aggregated or lowest sometimes slightly remote, ± sessile, ovoid to globose-ovoid, 0.6-1.6 cm, lowest bract glumaceous or setaceous, suberect,usually distinctly shorter than its spike. Female glumes usually 2/3 x utricles and distinctly narrower, obtuse to acute, ±uniformly purplish-black, smooth, ±shining. Utricles dark purplish-black but paler at base and on margins, elliptic to broadly obovoid, 3-4.4 x to 2.8 mm, compressed-inflated, very dense and almost imbricate, erecto-patent, smooth, ± shining, very thin-walled , abruptly contracted into smooth or rarely slightly scabrid, emarginate to distinctly bifid, concolorous beak 0.4-1 mm. Stigmas 3, short, pink. Nut trigonous, comparatively small, to 1.9 mm, pale yellowish, distinctly stipitate. Damp alpine meadows, boggy places, by streams, 2400-3140 m.

N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element.

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