Carex pendula


Carex pendula


Rhizomes short. Stems 50-180 cm, rather robust but slender and often nodding above, smooth; basal sheaths keeled, reddish-brown. Leaves shorter than stems, 9-20 mm broad, rather rigid, flat to slightly plicate, midgreen above, greyish-green and minutely papillose beneath, margins scabrid; ligule 30-50 mm, acute. Male spike 1. Female spikes 4-7, rather distant, linear-cylindrical, 5-25 cm x c. 5 mm, pedunculate, dense at least in terminal part, arching or pendent; lowest bract longer than spike but shorter than inflorescence, sheath 5-10 cm. Female glumes ovate, pale brown to redbrown with paler mid-vein, acute or acuminate, shorter or sometimes longer than utricles. Utricles pale olive-brown, sometimes purplish-spotted, broadly ellipsoid or ovoid, ± trigonous, 2.2-3.3 mm; beak cylindrical, 0.3-0.5 mm, slightly curved outwards, truncate to emarginate, orifice hyaline, ciliate. Forests or other shady places, near streams, springs or in ditches, s.l.-2000 m.
W. & C. Europe, Mediterranean area, Crimea, Caucasia, N.W. & N. Iran, Khorassan. Euro-Sib, element. 
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