Carex remota

Carex remota

Ssp remota: Nazlısaparna

Shoots often forming wide tussocks to 30 cm tall. Stems slender, 30-75 cm, often arching, scabrid above, leafy below; basal sheaths pale yellowish-brown. Leaves 1.5-2.2 mm broad, slender, almost flat, usually shorter than stems, mid-green. Inflorescence to 20 cm, often nodding. Spikes 4-12, 3-12 mm, lower ones oblong-ovoid, sessile, very distant , often entirely female, upper sometimes rather aggregated and smaller, gynecandrous or sometimes entirely male; upper bracts glumaceous. Female glumes 2.2-2.6 mm, broadly lanceolate to ovate, acute, slightly shorter than utricles, pale brown or hyaline with green mid-vein. Utricles pale yellowish-green, ovoid, 2.8-3.6 mm, distinctly veined, narrowly winged in upper 1/3; beak cleft on back. Damp or marshy ground in forests and other shady places, s.l.-1600 m.

Most of Europe , Balkans, C. & S. Russia, Algeria, Crimea, Caucasia, N.& N.W.lran, Khorassan, Cyprus, W.Syria. Euro-Sib. element.

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