Eleocharis palustris


Eleocharis palustris


Ssp iranica: İran sazı; Ssp palustris: Delisaz; Ssp waltersii: Yoz delisaz
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems erect, to 50 cm, terete , pliable, with more than 20 vascular bundles. Uppermost leaf sheath almost transversely truncate. Leaf sheaths and stem bases often reddish-purple or dark brown. Spikelet ovoid to cylindrical, 5-30 mm, many-flowered, stramineous to dark brown. Two lowest glumes sterile, ovateoblong, subequal, each half-encircling base of spikelet; upper glumes 3-4 mm, with hyaline margin. Perianth bristles 4, rarely absent, shorter than, as long as or rarely longer than nut. Stamens 3, stigmas 2. Nut obovoid, biconvex to lenticular, 1.2-1.5 mm, minutely punctate, yellowish to dark brown; stylepodium swollen and constricted at junction with nut, conical-ovoid or ± bulbiform, longer than broad. Fl. 3-9. Grassy hillsides, seepage on rocky slopes, wet ground in Pinus brutia forest, reed swamps, saline marsh, freshwater lakes or pools on limestone or basalt, nr rivers and streams, water meadows, bogs, irrigation ditches, roadsides, s.I.-2400 m.
Almost cosmopolitan though rare in tropics. 
  • 670
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  • 618
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  • 622
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subsp. palustris
  • 702
  • 4
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