Fuirena pubescens


Fuirena pubescens


Öküz ayakotu
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems erect, 30-40 cm, trigonous, pubescent at nodes and above. Leaves linear-lanceolate, keeled, 2-5 mm broad; sheaths pubescent near ligule; Iigules tubular, 2-3 mm. Inflorescence reduced to subterminal cluster, rays short, puberulent. Lowermost involucral bracts leaflike. Spikelets solitary or in glomerules of 2-5, ellipsoid to ovoid, 6-10 x 4-5 mm. Glumes ovate, 4-5 x 1.8-2 mm, 3-veined, greyish-puberulent, keeled, mid-vein continuing as 1-2 mm awn. Perianth bristles absent, rarely rudimentary and scale-like. Anthers linear, 2-2.3 mm, yellowish-brown. Style 2-2.2mm; stigmas flexuous-filiform, 1.5-2mm. Nut obovoid, 1.2-1.5 xO.7-0.8 mm, whitish or yellowish-brown. Fl. 5-7. By streams, nr s.l.
Sporadic in distribution, occurring in S. Europe, N. Africa to Lebanon, Afghanistan to India and S. Africa. 
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