Schoenus nigricans


Schoenus nigricans


Densely tufted perennial. Stems erect, 10-70 cm, trigonous to subterete, sulcate, leafy at base. Leaves narrowly linear, half as long as or slightly longer than stems, 0.5-1 mm broad, subterete, canaliculate, greyish-green, scabridulous or smooth towards apex, acuminate. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, dark blackish-brown at base, reddish or yellowish-brown above. Inflorescence capitate, with 5-6 spikelets. Involucral bracts 2, blackish-brown, lower 2-12 x inflorescence, often with lamina much longer than sheathing base; upper shorter than or equalling inflorescence. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, ± flattened, lanceolate, 5-16 mm, Glumes ovate-lanceolate, 6-8 x 1.5-2 mm, blackish-brown, paler and membranous towards apex and margins, keel denticulate. Perianth bristles very short, 3-5, antrorsely scabrid, yellowish-brown. Stamens 3, anthers c. 3.5 mm, tips acuminate. Style 5-6 mm, stigmas 2, 2 mm, papillose. Nut ovoid-trigonous, 1.7-2.2 mm, smooth creamy-white. Fl. 3-7. Peaty places, serpentine rock by streams, damp flushes, open stony slopes, saline marshes, thermal springs, open limestone heath, meadows, maritime sand, s.l.-2000 m.
W. Europe to N.W. India, N. & S. Africa.
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