Equisetum telmateia


Equisetum telmateia


Stems of 2 types, the fertile, non-green stems produced before the greenish sterile stems. Sterile stems up to 200 cm, erect, greenish white, smooth, with 20-40 fine grooves, branched. Sheaths adpressed, pale, black above, with the teeth subulate, 2-ribbed, as many as the grooves. Central hollow about ½  of the stem diameter. Branches numerous, spreading, 4-grooved, with the lowest internode shorter than the stem sheath. Fertile stems 40 cm, pale brown, with numerous loose sheaths which are close together. Cone 4-8 cm. Stream-sides, wet banks, up to 1200 m.
Europe, S.W. & C. Asia, N.W. Africa, N. America.
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