Erica spiculifolia

Erica spiculifolia


Syn: Brucenthalia spiculifolia

Subprostrate shrublet, stems ascending, to 15 cm, densely puberulent. Leaves in whorls of 4-6, rarely spirally arranged, c. 5,5 x 0,7 mm, those of inflorescence to 9 mm. Inflorescence densely racemose, 8-40-flowered; pedicels c. 3,5 mm, slender, puberulent; bracts 1,5-3 mm. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx c. 1,5 mm. Corolla red, campanulate, 2,5 x 2,3 mm, glabrous, lobes c. 1 mm. Stamens 8; filaments c. 0,8 mm; anthers c. 0,8 mm, dehiscing by lateral pores, appendages absent. Ovary 4-locular, glabrous; style continuous with ovary, 2,6-3 mm. Fl. 6-9. With Vaccinium, Rhododendron caucasicum scrub, on acid soil, 1600-2100 m.

Romania to N. Greece. Euro-Sib. element.

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