Euphorbia amygdaloides

Euphorbia amygdaloides


Pubescent tufted or extensively rhizomatous perennial, flowering stems biennial, to 80 cm. Cauline leaves of first year's growth shortly petiolate, oblanceolate to obovate-oblanceolate or elliptic, 4-11 x 0.7- 2.7 cm, apex obtuse or subacute, tapered to base, entire, forming a rosette; second year cauline leaves and ray-leaves sessile, oblong or elliptic to suborbicular, 1-2.5 x 0.3-1.5 cem, apex obtuse, rounded at base. Raylet-leaf 'cups' 1.5-2 cm across. Rays 5-8, once or twice dichotomous; axillary rays 3-16. Glands long-horned. Fruit trilobate, 3.5 mm diam., smooth. Seeds ovoid, 2 mm, smooth, dark grey, caruncle small, patelliform. Fl. 3-8. Fagus Abies forest, Carpinus woodland, Rhododendron, Laurus and Rubus scrub, banks, by springs, 50-2000 m.
1. Plant tufted; cauline leaves membranous, dull, often pubescent var. amygdaloides 
1. Plant extensively rhizomatous; cauline leaves coriaceous, shiny, ±glabrous var. robbiae