Euphorbia chamaesyce

Euphorbia chamaesyce


Prostrate glabrous or pubescent somewhat glaucous annual, usually many-branched from base; branches to 30 cm. Leaves asymmetrically suborbicular-ovate to ovate-oblong, 1-11 x 1-6 mm, obtuse or emarginate, oblique at base, ± entire or obscurely serrulate at least in upper half. Stipules linear-filiform, 1 mm. Glands suborbicular-transversely ovate, yellowish- or reddish-brown, with white or pinkish petaloid appendages. Fruit 2 mm diam. Seeds ovoid-quadrangular, 1.2 mm, irregularly tuberculate-rugulose, pale grey. Fl. 5-10. Rocky hillsides, scree, gravel plains, saline and sandy soils, streamsides, lakeshores, disturbed habitats, s.l.-1600 m.
S.W. Europe, Mediterranean area, S. Russia, S.W. Asia eastwards to Pakistan.
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