Euphorbia exigua


Euphorbia exigua


Güdük sütleğen
Glabrous annual to 20 cm. Stems usually much-branched at base. Cauline and ray-leaves linear to linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, 2-25 x 0.3-3 mm, acute, obtuse, truncate, retuse or tricuspidate, entire. Raylet-leaves linear-lanceolate to triangular-ovate, 2-15 x 1-4 mm, rounded or shallowly cordate. Rays 3-5, to 5-8 times dichotomous; axillary rays 0-3. Glands with 2 short or medium horns. Fruit trilobate, 1.5 mm diam., ± smooth. Seeds ovoid-quadrangular, 1.2 mm, tuberculate-rugulose, pale grey, with bilobed white caruncle. Fl. 3-7. Open Pinus brutia woods, rocky places, fallow fields, s.l-200m
1. All cauline leaves acute var. exigua
1. At least lower cauline leaves truncate, retuse or tricuspidate at apex var. retusa
Macaronesia, W. Europe & N. Africa eastwards to Palestine, N. Iran and Caucasus.
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