Euphorbia helioscopia
Euphorbia helioscopia
Glabrous or sparingly pilose annual herb to 40 cm. Stems simple or 2-branched from base, rarely more. Cauline leaves obovate-spathulate, 13.5 x 0.5-1.8 cm, obtuse to retuse, base attenuate, serrulate in upper half. Ray-leaves obovate, Raylet-leaves obliquely obovate, 0.5-3 x 0.4-2 cm, somewhat asymmetric at base. Pseudo-umbel contracted, flattish. Rays 5, trichotomous then once or twice dichotomous; axillary rays absent. Fruit trilobate, 3.5 mm diam., smooth. Seeds ovoid, 2 mm, favose-reticulate, dark brown; caruncle applanate, transversely ovate, refringent. Fl. 2-6. Limestone cliffs and slopes, phrygana, streamsides, ruins, fallow fields, waste ground, nr s.l.-1400 m.
Throughout Europe, N. Africa & Asia, and widely introduced elsewhere.