Euphorbia macroclada

Euphorbia macroclada

Minutely pruinose-papillose glaucous perennial with several simple stems to 70 cm arising from a creeping rootstock. Cauline leaves elliptic-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 3-8.5 x 0.5-1.8 cm, acute or subacute, entire, often prominently palmately nerved. Ray-leaves elliptic-ovate to broadly ovate. Raylet-leaves rhombic-ovate, broadly ovate or reniform, 0.7-2 x 1-2.5 cm, obtuse, mucronate, rounded, truncate or shallowly cordate, yellowish. Rays 5-9, to 3 or 4 times dichotomous; axillary rays 1-11. Glands usually 2-homed, horns often lobate or multifid. Cyathiallobes bifid, densely pubescent. Fruit ovoid to ovoid-conical, rounded-trilobate, 4-5 mm diam., pruinose-papillose and weakly sparingly pilose. Seeds ovoid, 3 mm, smooth, pale grey, caruncle conical. Fl. 5-9. Open Pinus and Quercus forest, Astragalus and Artemisia steppe, rocky slopes, dried-up lake shores, vineyards, waste land, roadsides, etc., 250-2500 m.
W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, N.W., W. & C. Iran, Soviet Armenia. Ir.Tur. element. 
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