Adenocarpus complicatus

Adenocarpus complicatus


Erect shrub up to 4 m, young twigs varying from subglabrous to densely pubescent, and from sparsely leafy to more or less densely so. Leaves 3-foliolate, often in fascicles, petioles 1-10 mm; leaflets 5-25 x 2-6 mm, oblanceolate, sparsely or densely hairy beneath, glabrous above. Flowers in rather congested terminal racemes. Bracts c. 5 mm, simple, persistent or fugacious; bracteoles c. 2 mm, usually fugacious. Calyx 5-7 mm, subglabrous or with sparse to dense, villous hairs, and sometimes with glandular papillae. Standard 10-15 mm, broadly ovate, with short, adpressed hairs; wings and keel subequal to the standard, glabrous; keel falcate. Legume c. 20-30 x 5 mm, narrowly oblong, with glandular papillae and sparse hairs. Fl. 5-8. Pine woods, scrub, banks, 300-1340 m.
S.W. Europe and the Mediterranean area, but rather local in S. Italy and the E. Mediterranean. 
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