Astragalus aduncus

Astragalus aduncus

Çengel geven

Procumbent to ascending, caulescent, perennial herb, 20-40 cm, with a branched woody caudex;  stems 15-25 cm. Leaves 2-6 cm; leaflets 4-14 mm, linear to narrowly elliptic, adpressed bifurcate-pilose, 4-7-paired; stipules c. 3 mm, lanceolate, overlapping but not joined. Peduncles 4-6 cm. Inflorescence c. 1.5 cm diam., a dense, globose. 10-15-flowered spike. Bracts c. 2 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 5-6 mm, campanulate. long white and short black, adpressed bifurcate-hairy; teeth c. 2 mm, linear. Corolla purple; standard 12-18 mm, glabrous. Legume 5-7x1.5 mm, oblong, erect, white adpressed bifurcate-pilose; beak c. 1 mm. Fl. 4-7. Rocky places and waste land, 300-2370 m.
Syrian Desert, Lebanon, Caucasia, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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