Astragalus arguricus

Astragalus arguricus

Ağrı geveni

Erect, caulescent, perennial herb, 25-40 cm, with a branched woody caudex; stems 25 cm. Leaves 4-6 cm; leaflets 8-10 mm, narrowly elliptic, adpressed white bifurcate-hairy, 8-15-paired; stipules c. 4 mm, triangular, joined at the base. Peduncles 8-12 cm. Inflorescence c. 2.5 cm diam., a dense, globose, 6-25-flowered spike, elongating considerably in fruit. Bracts c. 4 mm, linear. Calyx 10-12 mm. campanulate, sparsely ± adpressed black and white bifurcate-strigillose: teeth c. 4 mm, linear, coarsely ciliate, hairs tuberculate at the base. Corolla violet: standard 18-22 mm, glabrous. Legume 10-12 mm, oblong, pendulous, sparsely spreading-strigillose with simple white and bifurcate black hairs; beak 2-3 mm. Fl. 5. Igneous slopes, etc.. c. 1750 m.

Soviet Armenia. Ir-Tur. element.

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