Astragalus aucheri

 Astragalus aucheri

Kır geveni

Sin: A.leptothamnus
Erect, caulescent, suffruticose perennial, 20-30 cm. Leaves c.6 cm; leaflets 10-15 mm, linear to narrowly elliptic, densely adpressed bifurcate-pilose, 2-4-paired; stipules 1-2 mm, triangular. Peduncles 10-12 cm. Inflorescence a short, lax, 5-14-flowered raceme or spike. Bracts 1-2 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 10-13 mm, tubular, bifurcate-hairy with long white ±spreading and short black adpressed hairs; teeth 1-2 mm, linear. Corolla purple; standard 20-23 mm. Legume 50-60 x 2-3 mm, straight or incurved, triquetrous, shortly white adpressed bifurcate hairy; beak c. 2 mm, straight. Fl. 6.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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