Astragalus beypazaricus

Astragalus beypazaricus

Beypazarı geveni

Plant c. 30 cm tall, suffruticose, with woody. densely branched base, covered with adpressed hairs. Stems ascending. densely white hairy. Stipules brownish. 1-1.5 mm, narrowly triangular, white and black hairy outside. Leaves 2-3 cm; petiole 0.4-0.5 cm, densely white hairy; leaflets in 3-4 pairs, narrowly elliptic to obovate, 4-8 x 1-2 mm, acute to rarely rounded at apex, sparsely hairy on upper side, loosely to densely hairy on lower side. Peduncles 8-12 ern, sulcate, with white hairs. Racemes 8-13-flowered. Bracts 1-1.5 rnm, whitish. narrowly triangular, acute, sparsely white and black hairy. Pedicel c. 2 rnm, white and black hairy. recurved, somewhat thickened in fruit. Bracteoles 0.2-0.4 mm. Calyx 7-10 rnrn, tubular. gibbous at base. ± adpressed white and sometimes few black hairs; teeth triangular, 1-1.5 mm, Petals bluish-violet. Standard c. 21 mm; wings c. 18 mm; keel c.16 mm. Ovary with a stipe c.1.5 rnrn, adpressed hairy; style thick, glabrous. Legumes with a stipe c. 3 mrn, spreading or slightly pendulous, linear, straight to slightly up-curved. 15-18 x 2-2.5 mm; beak 2-2.5 mm, bilocular. FI. & Fr. 5-7. Steppe, 600 m.
Central Anatolia. 
Endemic. lr.-Tur. element.
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