Astragalus glycyphylloides

Astragalus glycyphylloides

Tatlı geven

Syn: A. glycyphyllos ssp glycyphylloides

Stout, caulescent, herbaceous perennial. Stem up to 2 m, prostrate or ascending, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Lower leaves 12-20 cm; leaflets 25-45 mm, elliptic, obtuse or sometimes mucronulate, glabrous above, sparsely and minutely adpressed-simple-hairy below, 4-8-paired; stipules 8-15 mm, triangular-lanceolate. Peduncles 2-6 cm. Flowers shortly pedicellate, in dense cylindrical 12-25-flowered racemes. Bracts 2-4 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 5-7 mm, tubular-campanulate, glabrous or with short, black, adpressed-simple hairs; teeth 1-3 mm. Corolla pale yellow; standard 17-20 mm. Legume 20-35 x4-5 mm, cylindrical, curved, erect or spreading, glabrescent or with minute, white, adpressed hairs.

1-Calyx glabrous; stems glabrous ...............................................subsp. glycyphyllos

1-Calyx black-hairy; stems sparsely adpressed white-hairy .....................subsp. glycyphylloides


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